of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University |
Professor |
maaku”waseda(dt)jp |
Research Intersets
Number Theory (Particularly Automorphic
List of Publications
1. On the
rapidly decreasing property of Whittaker functions for Sp(2,R), to appear in Journal of Lie theory.
Cuspidal components of Siegel modular forms for
large discrete series representations of Sp(4,R) (joint with Shuji Horinaga),
Mathematica, no.1-2 (2024) 159-202.
3. An explicit
lifting construction of CAP forms on O(1,5) (joint
with Ameya. Pitale and Siddhesh Wagh), International Journal of Number Theory,
19 No.6 (2023) 1337-1378.
4. Jacquet-Langlands-Shimizu
correspondence for theta lifts to GSp(2) and its
inner forms II: an explicit formula for Bessel periods and non-vanishing of
theta lifts, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 73 (2021) 125-159.
6. An explicit
construction of non-tempered cusp forms on O(1,8n+1) (joint with Yingkun Li and
Ameya Pitale), Annales Math. Quebec, 44 (2) (2020) 349-384.
7. Jacquet-Langlands-Shimizu
correspondence for theta lifts to GSp(2) and its
inner forms I: an explicit functorial correspondence, with an appendix by Ralf
Schmidt, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 69 (2017), 1443-1474.
8. Lifting to
GL(2) over a division quaternion algebra and an explicit construction of CAP
representations (joint with Masanori Muto and Ameya Pitale), Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 222, issue
01, (2016), 137-185.
9. Fourier
expansion of Arakawa lifting II: Relation with central L-values (joint with
Atsushi Murase), International Journal of Mathematics, 27, No. 1, (2016), 32
periods of theta lifts to GSp(1,1) and central values
of some convolution type L-functions, Automorphic forms, Research in Number
Theory from Oman, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (2014),
criteria for local and global representations (joint with A. Pitale and R. Schmidt),
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 141, (2013), 55-63.
12. Some vector-valued singular automorphic
forms on U(2,2) and their restriction to Sp(1,1) (joint with Atsuo Yamauchi), International Journal
of Mathematics, 23, No. 10, (2012), 27 pages.
13. Fourier expansion of Arakawa lifting I: An explicit formula and examples of non-vanishing lifts (joint with Atsushi Murase), Israel Journal of Mathematics, 187, (2012), 317-369.
14. Commutation relations of Hecke operators
for Arakawa lifting (joint with Atsushi Murase), Tohoku Mathematical Journal, 60,
(2008), 227-251.
15. Theta lifting from
elliptic cusp forms to automorphic forms on Sp(1,q), Mathematische Zeitschrift, 259, (2008), 591-615.
16. Fourier-Jacobi
expansion of automorphic forms on Sp(1,q) generating quaternionic discrete series, Journal of
Functional Analysis, 239, (2006), 638-682.
17. On certain
automorphic forms of Sp(1,q)
(Arakawa's results and recent progress), Proceedings of the conference in
memory of Tsuneo Arakawa, Automorphic forms and zeta functions, World
Scientific (2006), 314-333.
18. Fourier expansion
of holomorphic modular forms on classical Lie groups of tube type along the
minimal parabolic subgroup, Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitaet
Hamburg, 74, (2004), 253-279.
19.Fourier expansion of
holomorphic Siegel modular forms of genus n along the minimal parabolic
subgroup, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo, 10,
(2003), 311-353.
20. Fourier expansion
of holomorphic Siegel modular forms with respect to the minimal parabolic
subgroup, Mathematische Zeitschrift,
(1999), 557-588.
automorphic functions, submitted.
expansion of cusp forms on Sp(2,R),
norms of Borcherds theta lifts to O(1,8n+1) with
applications to sup-norm bounds (joint with Simon Marshall and Ameya Pitale),
the Arakawa lifting Part I: Eichler commutation relations, arXiv:2412.11570,
expansion of automorphic forms generating quaternionic discrete series, arXiv:2501.06725
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science and Engineering